백남준 40대 (1972-81)

[백남준 ] 나의 환희는 거칠 것이 없어라 1977년

'스키타이'백남준 2023. 10. 17. 08:20

나의 환희는 거칠 것이 없어라 1977년 백남준 45세 때 Tele-vion means in Greek to see far. See far=fernsehens Tele-vision // 왜 내가 Schoenberg에 관심을 가졌나까? 그가 가장 극단적인 아방가르드로 묘사되었기 때문이다. 나는 왜 "가장 극단적인" 것에 관심을 가졌는지 스스로에게 다시 질문한다. 그것은 내 몽골 DNA 때문이다. - 몽골-우랄-알테르 말등사냥꾼들은 선사시대에 시베리아에서 페루, 한국, 네팔, 라플란드를 거쳐 전 세계로 이주했다. 그들은 중국 농업 사회처럼 중심을 보지 않고 그들은 멀리 보았고, 멀리서 새로운 지평선이 보이면 더 멀리 가서 봐야만 했다. // My Jubilee(영어) ist Unverhemmet(독일어) [My Jubilee is Unmetered] (1977) / In 2 weeks I will be 45. It is time for Archeology of Avantgarde. I lived in Korea in the 40's, where only available informations were from Japanese books printed before World War II. Therefore it was a great luck that I heard the name of Arnold Schoenberg available in Korea in 1947 or so. He immediately interested me, because he was written as a devil or the most extreme avant-garde. However there were no record or scores of Schoenberg available in Korea in 1947, except for a pirate edition of his op 33 a piano piece. It took 2 or 3 years of desperate struggle to find only available record, which was released in the pre-war Japan, Verklärte Nacht. I will not forget forever the excitement of holding this fragile 78 RPM record in my hand like a jewel from Egyptian tomb. And I cannot forget the disappointment of this record, which was purely a Wagnerian Quatsch. Korean war came soon after. 25 years after this experience I found the same record of Schoenberg in a flea market in New York. I played this record 4 times slower (on 16 RPM) in a Merce Cunningham dance event. Merce smiled and said: "You improved Schoenberg." Hamburg 2/7/1977 - Nam June Paik

P.S. I question myself now, why was I interested in Schoenberg? Only because he was described as the most extreme advantgarde. I question again myself why was I interested in "most extreme"? It

is because of my Mongolian DNA. - Mongolian-Ural-Altair horse back hunting people moved around the world in prehistoric age from Siberia to Peru to Korea to Nepal to Lappland. They were not

center-oriented like Chinese agrarian society. They saw far and when they see a new horizon far away, they had to go and see far more- Liner notes for Paik's 1977 LP My Jubilee ist Unverhemmet(Edition Leeber-Hosemann)