[백남준] 신디사이저 발명 후, 다빈치처럼 정확하게, 피카소처럼 자유롭게
신디사이저를 발명하고 나서 앞으로 유튜브가 나오면 이런 화면 조정이 가능하다고 예언하다. 1969년 제목 Versatile Color TV Synthesizer (1969) : This will enable us to shape the TV screen canvas. : As precisely/as Leonardo//As freely/as Picasso//As colorfully/as Renoir//As profoundly/as Mondrian//As violently/as Pollock//As lyrically/as Jasper Johns. //Versatile Color TV Synthesizer(1969) : 이를 통해 TV 화면의 캔버스를 형성할 수 있다. : 레오나르도처럼 정확하게, 피카소처럼 자유롭게//르누아르처럼 컬러플하게//몬드리안처럼 심오하게//폴록처럼 격렬하게//재스퍼 존스처럼 서정적으로 // 지금 유튜브에서 이게 다 가능하다. // 더 나아가 "전자 오페라"라는 새로운 어어마한 장르를 생산될 수도 있다(사실 이게 1984년 실현되었다) //
In the long-ranged future, such as versatile color synthesizer will become a standard equipment like today's Hammond organ, or Moog synthesizer in the musical field, but even in the immediate future it will find wide applification. 1) TV-tranquilizer, which is at the same time an avant garde artwork in its own right. As Time magazine quoted me with emphasis, the tranquilizing "groovy" TV will be an important fune-tion of future TV, like today's mood music at WPAT or WOR-FM. Enormous enrichment of background scenery of music programs or talkshows, combined with sharp reduction in the production cost is especially effective for young generation's rock pro-Traditional psychedelic light show cannot compete with electronic color synthesizer as much as Ferrari racing car cannot catch even a good old DC-4. 31
This will provide valuable experiments for EVR, which would be aimed for more sophis-ticated or educational layer of consumer. Eg., what kind of visual material will accompany the vast repertoire of classical and pop music? People will be quickly tired of von Karajan's turtle seck or Beatle's long hair. The study of this problem cannot be started too soon, and it might end up by producing a new furtile genre, called "electronic opera.Origninally published in NJPaik Videilogy and Videology 1959-1973 ed. Juson Rosebush NY: Everson Museum of Art 1974 n. p.
[추가] <백남준이 (아베와 함께 비디오 합성기를 발명한 후) 1969년 전자회화(TV screen canvas 비디오 유튜브 등)의 무한한 표현의 가능성을 찬미한 짧은 시다. 비디오아트는 물감페인팅의 모든 장점을 하나의 모니터에 다 담을 수 있다고 선언하다> This will enable us to shape the TV screen canvas: as precisely as Leonardo / as freely as Picasso / as colorfully as Renoir / as profoundly as Mondrian / as violently as Pollock / as lyrically as Jasper Johns - Nam June Paik