요셉 보이스는 어떻게 '무당 예술가(shaman-artist 현대미술의 무당)'가 되었나?
How Did Joseph Beuys Become the Shaman of Modern Art?
Legendary post-war German artist Joseph Beuys has a longstanding reputation as the “Shaman” of modern art. How did he earn this title?
German post-war artist Joseph Beuys has a long-standing reputation for his connection to the ancient practice of Shamanism. Throughout his career he cultivated a public persona as an enigmatic shaman figure, deeply connected to nature, animals, man’s primitive past, and the unseen spiritual world.

He integrated these themes into his art through strange performances, rituals, and teaching practices, earning a moniker as “the Shaman of Modern Art.” We look through the key themes of Shamanism that Beuys adopted, which encouraged a message of healing, transformation and regeneration through art after the horrors of World War II.

He Wanted to Heal and Transform Society Through Art (그는 예술을 통해 사회를 치유하고 변화시키고 싶어 했다). 아래 첫 작품 20세기의 종말 (The end of the twentieth century joseph beuys / The End of the Twentieth Century by Joseph Beuys, 1983-85, via Tate, London)

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