[백남준] 24 Stunden(1965년), 요셉 보이스, 백남준, 샬럿 무어먼
24 Stunden(1965년), 요셉 보이스, 백남준, 샬럿 무어먼, ECKART RAHN, 보스텔, 토마스 슈미트 그리고 등등의 퍼포먼스 장면이 보인다Beuys and Paik’s 24 Hours Closing Event of Galerie Parnass in Wupperthal. On June 5, 1965, the happening 24 Stunden [24 Hours] was held as the closing event of Galerie Parnass in Wupperthal. (fig. II-5-01) Founded by an architect Rolf Jähring in 1949, Galerie Parnass was known as a pioneer in the international ..